This blog is for informational purposes only. I cannot and do not guarantee or endorse these programs. Status can change at any time and is updated as often as possible. Never invest more than you can afford to lose!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Back into a world of S*!t

Hello, greetings and all that good stuff. Well I have just returned from my vacation. An no matter how calming a vacation can be it's funny to see how all of life's crap sits and waits for your humble return. Oh well it is what it is. I returned to see AdsMania in dire straights. An Eleven-12Adsurf on the ropes as well. First lets start with AdsMania stay as far away as possible. You can call the morgue on this one. I am really don't like the games there playing over there. First I had a pending payout which I was expecting to be in my Alertpay Account when I returned to find out no payment was made. Then I check with the site and there doesn't seem to be any problems except that my money I requested for payout was put back in to my cash balance. So I wrote it off as a error thinking nothing of it. I re-upgraded with the program of course however a day later they change the program to a 1% for 365 days. Money issues???? Hmmm. I mean I wouldn't have believed there wasn't a problem however the percentage is just to low for me to believe. Why not just move to like a 3% for 60 days or something. Any how get the chalk out. Start the outline. As for Eleven-12Adsurf Brenda and company are having problems with there script again. However she is still remaining in touch with her member base an still active in here forum. I think she will pull out of this one. But time will only tell. Finally TSMC and Tri-Star. Hmmmmm. If you don't remember my post back in January then please reread here. Honestly I hope I'm wrong for the large member base he has an all the other Autosurfers out there but please be forewarned. Well thats it for today. Over and out.