This blog is for informational purposes only. I cannot and do not guarantee or endorse these programs. Status can change at any time and is updated as often as possible. Never invest more than you can afford to lose!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Surfoogle Overhual

Well it looks like Harrolds Media plan wasn't exactly the plan of all plans. However you do have to admit the plan did keep Surfoogle from turning scam. Surfoogle has taken the advice of its members and finalized there overhual; now they are running off a morphed Harrolds Media plan. Here is the link to the discussion which took place. However you will have to register in the forum to read.(Lets see how this one holds up, I have to admit I was skeptical at first but it definitly sound's like it can work.)They are now offering a Randomizer, Downline Purchase's, and a lottery. In other news I was paid out today from 13DailyPro

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

If it's any news to you

NME/Phoenix Surf has recently posted from the dead. Well here you go:

Monday, October 23, 2006

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are finally making progress towards what we hope will be the successful recovery of money we feel is owed to NME/Phoenix Surf members.

Suits have been filed and are in the courts. As you know the legal system is slow and can take significant time to reach a resolution. We have acquired the services of several top Attorneys specializing in this type of law.

We are working with a group of EMO (Electric Money Orders, Inc.) supporters that have successfully put EMO into an Involuntary Bankruptcy. By doing so it takes EMO out of the hands of the Texas Attorney General and will allow the EMO principles to take back their company and continue to operate under the recovery plan that has been accepted by the court. This will insure a larger recovery of the amount of funds NME had in the account prior to being taken over by the Receivers. This is very critical to our recovery plan since funds are needed to pay the legal expenses needed to support our suits.

We are confident we will be successful on your behalf.
NME Administrator

Saturday, October 21, 2006

An as the World Turns

Well it looks like Fred Mckinnon over at E-business Online has found a buyer. From one Christian to another may God Bless you and all your endeavors. The buyer for e-business online is the famed Tri-Star Media Group founded my Bob from 15HitsDaily. Here is the new video cast from the recently acquired E-business Online. As for The Network I am still waiting on them to finish there renovation. They have 4 sites up now and working on the 5th. For members who didn't opt in or out there money from all previous sites will be pooled together and put into there 5th site minus the $75 fee for The Matrix Unplugged. I am also still waiting on a payday from my expiration with 13DailyPro; it's only been 3days however so I'm not complaining yet. Um what else do I have to report??? Oh surfoogle has hit a snare with the Harrolds Media Plan however someone has come through with some good ideas and the admin over at surfoogle is all ears. If the one giving the advice can hold up to his claims surfoogle can become a force to be reckoned with. Here is the link to there forum however you would have to register to read the discussion.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Yea I know

Its been awhile. Its been pretty quite in my camp so I haven't had much to say. Still waiting on funds locked up from the The Matrix Unplugged aka The Network or sumtin like that. Confusing with all these name changes. They are supposed to be opening on the 11th. Fingers are crossed =) As the anticipation builds. Any how in other new Mrs. has a Monitor site comming to replace here surf tutor program looking forward to that. She has been heavy in the Matix Forums as of late or since, whatever. I've been hanging out in the Matrix Unplugged chat room (since I dont like forums to much) with betty and janice the two head honchos or honchidas.Speaking of forums I have finished putting mine up today. I also had managed to scap together a few bucks and upgrade with 13Dailypro we'll see how that goes. Well I'm scaped for time I have to wake up early for work tommorow so good night. An that my friends is that. May you live long and prosper yada yada yada all that good shit.