This blog is for informational purposes only. I cannot and do not guarantee or endorse these programs. Status can change at any time and is updated as often as possible. Never invest more than you can afford to lose!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Tri-Star Sites Going Private

Well it looks like the Tri-Star Sites are going private. I can only assume based on there new e-mail released they don't enjoy being under the spotlight. Now this posses a really good question. Why not be under the spotlight? Please let common sense prevail. The only reason why I see this happening is because they are planning there grand escape. Lets look at the entire scenario if they are no longer monitored it will take longer to look through different forums to find out what is going on with the program. Correct!!! Now I have another question. Rather then tackle the issue of legalities with there money changer they just dodge the issue. An attack bloggers. And finally why is Bob Krimm creating so many Corporate Barriers. Obviously for personal protection and Asset Protection. Here is a how to site link on Offshore Asset Protection of you are still skeptical. Come on what is all the protection for. What are you scared of Bob. I personally see where this is heading. An it's not good.

If his sites are so self sustainable than I have a challenge to all his cheerleaders. Don't put in more than your profit from his site an see how long he can maintain. An as for the late comers get out cause there is telling when this blimp is going to blow an come hurtling down.
An finally all the programs using his money changer should be avoided. Cause I smell alot of scampay/money changer excuses coming.

On a side note that is JUST MY OPINION OF THINGS

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