This blog is for informational purposes only. I cannot and do not guarantee or endorse these programs. Status can change at any time and is updated as often as possible. Never invest more than you can afford to lose!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

New Endevour for all hopefully

Well recently I have reconsidered the state of this whole autosurf thing. An I will recant that all so common word which describes this industry. DISGUSTED. However I would like to share with you some good news. First off let me explain my absence an then I will explain as to why this was the route in which I'm taking. Ok here is the news. I have recently decided to take on a second job. Reason being???? Well I think I have found a way in which I can earn a higher interest rate then I can make in any Bank, Mutual Fund etc.... safely. However first things first. What I want to do is try out this endevour first on my own. With my own money. Not experiment with other peoples money like other admins do. An here is the best part. I will personally guarantee my own hard money as collateral for this program if I choose to go forward. That means if the program goes sour every one will break even. No one will lose money except for me. So if you don't hear from me as often it is likely because I am busting my hump. Another thing in which I am so excited about is that this program can possibly provide a source of residual income. So for now on you will probably not hear from me as often as I would like but it is for the greater good. I will keep everyone posted as to the progress of that. An on a side note I am looking for moderators to help out with the forum if any one is interested please leave a comment. So until we speak again. Later.


Anonymous said...

I use a website for autosurfing called: http://www.autosurfmarketing.net and I have been getting steady traffic from it. They do not pay out, but I find it better to not get paid due to the amount of sites that promised payouts and never pay. Thanks.

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