This blog is for informational purposes only. I cannot and do not guarantee or endorse these programs. Status can change at any time and is updated as often as possible. Never invest more than you can afford to lose!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

An as the World Turns

Well it looks like Fred Mckinnon over at E-business Online has found a buyer. From one Christian to another may God Bless you and all your endeavors. The buyer for e-business online is the famed Tri-Star Media Group founded my Bob from 15HitsDaily. Here is the new video cast from the recently acquired E-business Online. As for The Network I am still waiting on them to finish there renovation. They have 4 sites up now and working on the 5th. For members who didn't opt in or out there money from all previous sites will be pooled together and put into there 5th site minus the $75 fee for The Matrix Unplugged. I am also still waiting on a payday from my expiration with 13DailyPro; it's only been 3days however so I'm not complaining yet. Um what else do I have to report??? Oh surfoogle has hit a snare with the Harrolds Media Plan however someone has come through with some good ideas and the admin over at surfoogle is all ears. If the one giving the advice can hold up to his claims surfoogle can become a force to be reckoned with. Here is the link to there forum however you would have to register to read the discussion.

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