This blog is for informational purposes only. I cannot and do not guarantee or endorse these programs. Status can change at any time and is updated as often as possible. Never invest more than you can afford to lose!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

New Endevour for all hopefully

Well recently I have reconsidered the state of this whole autosurf thing. An I will recant that all so common word which describes this industry. DISGUSTED. However I would like to share with you some good news. First off let me explain my absence an then I will explain as to why this was the route in which I'm taking. Ok here is the news. I have recently decided to take on a second job. Reason being???? Well I think I have found a way in which I can earn a higher interest rate then I can make in any Bank, Mutual Fund etc.... safely. However first things first. What I want to do is try out this endevour first on my own. With my own money. Not experiment with other peoples money like other admins do. An here is the best part. I will personally guarantee my own hard money as collateral for this program if I choose to go forward. That means if the program goes sour every one will break even. No one will lose money except for me. So if you don't hear from me as often it is likely because I am busting my hump. Another thing in which I am so excited about is that this program can possibly provide a source of residual income. So for now on you will probably not hear from me as often as I would like but it is for the greater good. I will keep everyone posted as to the progress of that. An on a side note I am looking for moderators to help out with the forum if any one is interested please leave a comment. So until we speak again. Later.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Back into a world of S*!t

Hello, greetings and all that good stuff. Well I have just returned from my vacation. An no matter how calming a vacation can be it's funny to see how all of life's crap sits and waits for your humble return. Oh well it is what it is. I returned to see AdsMania in dire straights. An Eleven-12Adsurf on the ropes as well. First lets start with AdsMania stay as far away as possible. You can call the morgue on this one. I am really don't like the games there playing over there. First I had a pending payout which I was expecting to be in my Alertpay Account when I returned to find out no payment was made. Then I check with the site and there doesn't seem to be any problems except that my money I requested for payout was put back in to my cash balance. So I wrote it off as a error thinking nothing of it. I re-upgraded with the program of course however a day later they change the program to a 1% for 365 days. Money issues???? Hmmm. I mean I wouldn't have believed there wasn't a problem however the percentage is just to low for me to believe. Why not just move to like a 3% for 60 days or something. Any how get the chalk out. Start the outline. As for Eleven-12Adsurf Brenda and company are having problems with there script again. However she is still remaining in touch with her member base an still active in here forum. I think she will pull out of this one. But time will only tell. Finally TSMC and Tri-Star. Hmmmmm. If you don't remember my post back in January then please reread here. Honestly I hope I'm wrong for the large member base he has an all the other Autosurfers out there but please be forewarned. Well thats it for today. Over and out.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Eleven-12adsurf New and Improved Autosurf

With Eleven-12adsurf its back to business as usual. Damn thats what I like to see. Brenda is what I call a trooper. Not for nothing I thought the whole personal thing was going to be her grand escape however I guess I thought wrong. My whole account thing was straightened out also. An I'm really liking the whole new script thing. What can I say? I'm impressed!!! Congrats and keep up the good work Brenda.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Eleven-12adsurf IS UP AN RUNNING

Kudos's to Brenda despite all her personal problems she was able to get the site back up and running with a new script to boot. An its back to business as usual. However one small problem though my account balance is set to zero. I'm sure all the kinks are still being worked out right now so will keep everyone posted as to the status of this one.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Current News on Eleven-12adsurf

I had just finished going back to the ASA forum and it looks like Brenda has ironed everything out as far as her personal matters are concerned. As for the site well she states that it should be up within a few more days and everyone will be paid there full earnings. Here is the link if your interested.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Eleven-12adsurf Issues

Well it looks like one of current picks has ran into a few snags. There site is currently unavailable so I decided to look around to see whats going on. I was able to find some post from Brenda over at the ASA forum. She states that see is going through some personal issues along with her site being hacked/hijacked. As for the site goes she stated that she currently has a programmer writing a new script and the site should be back up in a few days. Here is the link

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Eleven-12adsurf and Ads Mania

Well, Well, I was paid yesterday from my 20 dollar upgrade with vivasurf.us. So I as far as I'm concerned they are paying but as for large upgrades I can only speculate. As my upgrade was small. My two new current endevour's consist of Eleven-12adsurf and of course AdsMania. As far as vivasurf.us is concerned I will sit back an see what happens with there camp in regards to impact of the rumors which have currently surfaced. If they can manage to overcome I will go back.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Grammatical errors ( I tried to put out quick post however I made some serious errors. lol!!!)

I received an email today from Robert Kempster the admin over @ Vivasurf.us. Pretty much trying to quell the rumors of his program not paying. I personally have upgraded with Vivasurf.us so I will let everyone know if I have been paid or not. As for other news Manic or Mania hmmm. I would like to reiterate the fact that when big changes are made to a program it usually tends to crumble in the not so near future. Now I'm not saying its not possible for a program to survive. 13DP and DesertSkyMarketing have both survived. Yea I know 13DP went scam but look how long they lasted after there first comeback. People lost money but alot of people made money also. That is the nature of ponzi's like it or not. Now I remember Mike from Surfoogle were he went by the the the name of phpMike an to sum that up we got burned. That was why he started Manic from what I recall. However the fact remains that the autosurf masses don't like uncertainty or should I said inconsistency. I know how ironic it sounds with the nature of this beast but hey it is still a fact. An the facts can't be ignored. Do I support Mike's site??? Of course!!! I was actually refunded from a program for the the first time ever and that was Mikes program. So with that being said I do support the new site however I won't go big until I see consistency with this one.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Manic Ads Closing

Damn!!! It really did look promising. Oh well!! An just like that another rising star falls. Well the premise holds true that it all comes down to the admin. Mike over at Manic Ads was complaining about how hard it was to run an Autosurf etc... so he has been considering on just closing the program. Well on a good note I was rebated within a few minutes of making my request so that is definitely a good sign that people will be getting refunded. The only money I loss was of course the fees to alertpay. Well what can you do ??? Off to my next program of choice of course.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Due Diligence Section Is Up!!!!

Well have just finished working the new addition to my site. The Due Diligence Section is now up. This section will provide screen shots of where my due diligence quest take me. I have added pics from my research on Quest2surf/ptspaypro. I know its a little outdated however that was the program I was working on when I had phantom the idea of a Due Diligence Section. Comments are welcome on the discussion section in our forum. In other news I have recently decided to go with ManicAds. I think that this is still a relatively new program with plenty of room for growth. This site has been up since Nov 26,2006. With the average life span of a program approaching 12 months this program is only 2-3 months old. Also the recent adjustment in the amount one can upgrade has made me feel real comfortable with this program. As that should help prevent to much saturation which can kill a program in a few months. I think that this was a foreseen problem and prudently reacted upon by the programs administration which is also another big plus. It shows the administration is keeping a close eye on things.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Tri-Star Sites Going Private

Well it looks like the Tri-Star Sites are going private. I can only assume based on there new e-mail released they don't enjoy being under the spotlight. Now this posses a really good question. Why not be under the spotlight? Please let common sense prevail. The only reason why I see this happening is because they are planning there grand escape. Lets look at the entire scenario if they are no longer monitored it will take longer to look through different forums to find out what is going on with the program. Correct!!! Now I have another question. Rather then tackle the issue of legalities with there money changer they just dodge the issue. An attack bloggers. And finally why is Bob Krimm creating so many Corporate Barriers. Obviously for personal protection and Asset Protection. Here is a how to site link on Offshore Asset Protection of you are still skeptical. Come on what is all the protection for. What are you scared of Bob. I personally see where this is heading. An it's not good.

If his sites are so self sustainable than I have a challenge to all his cheerleaders. Don't put in more than your profit from his site an see how long he can maintain. An as for the late comers get out cause there is telling when this blimp is going to blow an come hurtling down.
An finally all the programs using his money changer should be avoided. Cause I smell alot of scampay/money changer excuses coming.

On a side note that is JUST MY OPINION OF THINGS

ASA vs. Tri Star

Well I received a strange E-Mail tonight from the 3 star media group stating that they are withdrawing all ties with ASA. I wonder whats going on behind the scenes over there hmmmmmmm. Someone getting to big for there britches. Who let the Dog's out??? Woff Woff. I guess we will find this out soon from Jake as to why. I sure the hounds will be barking. In other new Highspeedhits is pulling a Houdini. It is what it is.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Forum is Up

Damn and just like that by the time I finished posting its back up. I guess there may have some kind of glitch or something. Well whatever its up.

Forum is Down

Unfortunately the forum is down I have already contacted the hosting company to find out why the forum is unaccessible. I will get back everyone on the status of the forum when I receive an explanation from the hosting company. Thank you. Oh and I was paid by DailyRoi:PS today surprisingly in less than 24hours of ad-pack expiration.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Farewell To Andy

I just received an E-mail today in which Andy is planning to sell his sites to 3 star media group. You can find the e-mail in my forum. If you can the Red Flag is screaming. I shouldn't have to tell you guys you know what to do. Well in other news I am working on a new addition to my site. In which I will be providing actual screen shots of where my due diligence quest bring me. So stay in touch.